#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# log_visits.pl - updates a file whenever someone visits a page that calls this
# written by Eric Pence
#use strict; turning off struct subs
use CGI qw(-oldstyle_urls :standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use IO::File;
use Geo::IP;

$0 =~ '(.*[\\\/])\w+\.\w+$';
my $curr_dir = $1 || "./";
use lib ( $curr_dir );

# Set up error log file
use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
my $error_log = "error_log.txt";
open(LOG, ">>$error_log") or die "Unable to append to error log: $!";

# Get IP-address
my $user_ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} || '';

# Prompt if home router
//if ($user_ip =~ /^73\.159\.78\./) {
// print "user_ip = $user_ip";
// print "Now running log_visits.pl";
// my $name = <STDIN>;
// chomp $name;

# Get webpage parameter
my $q = new CGI;
my $webpage = $q->param('webpage') || '';

my $timeData = '';

# Record that you are here
my $new_visits = "new_visits.txt";
open(NEW_VISITS, ">>$new_visits") || die "Can't open '$new_visits'";
print NEW_VISITS "$timeData :: $webpage :: $user_ip - Running log_visits.pl\n";

# Don't log home router
if ($user_ip =~ /^73\.159\.78\./) {

my $access_file = "web_access.txt";

# Get user-agent string
my $agent = $ENV{"HTTP_USER_AGENT"} || '';

# Don't log bots
if (($agent =~ /bot/i) || ($agent =~ /spider/) || ($agent =~ /BingPreview/)) {

# Get operating system
my $os = '';
if ($agent =~ /Windows NT 10/i) {
$os = "Windows 10";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 6.1/i) {
$os = "Windows 7";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 6.2/i) {
$os = "Windows 8";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 6.3/i) {
$os = "Windows 8.1";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 5.1/i) {
$os = "Windows XP";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 6.0/i) {
$os = "Windows Vista";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 5.0/i) {
$os = "Windows 2000";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 4.0/i) {
$os = "Windows NT";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 5.2/i) {
$os = "Windows Server 2003";
elsif ($agent =~ /Win 9x 4.90/i) {
$os = "Windows ME";
elsif (($agent =~ /Windows 98/i) || ($agent =~ /Win98/i)) {
$os = "Windows 98";
elsif ($agent =~ /iPhone/i) {
$os = "iPhone";
elsif ($agent =~ /iPad/i) {
$os = "iPad";
elsif ($agent =~ /Mac/i) {
$os = "MacOS";
elsif ($agent =~ /Android/i) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Android');
$os = substr($agent,$loc,13);
substr($os,7,1) = ' ';
elsif ($agent =~ /Linux/i) {
$os = "Linux";
elsif ($agent =~ /X11\; CrOS/) {
$os = "Chrome OS";
elsif ($agent =~ /^Mozilla\/5\.0/) {
$os = "Mozilla/5.0";

# Get browser
my $browser = '';
if ($agent =~ /Firefox/i) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Firefox');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc,10);
substr($browser,7,1) = ' ';
elsif ($agent =~ /MSIE/i) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'MSIE');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc+2,6);
elsif ($agent =~ /Edge/i) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Edge');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc,7);
substr($browser,4,1) = ' ';
elsif ($agent =~ /Opera/i) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Opera');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc,10);
substr($browser,5,1) = ' ';
elsif ($agent =~ /Chrome/i) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Chrome');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc,9);
substr($browser,6,1) = ' ';
elsif ($agent =~ /Safari/i) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Safari');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc,9);
substr($browser,6,1) = ' ';
elsif (($agent =~ /Trident\/7.0/i) && ($os =~ /Windows/)) {
$browser = 'IE 11.0';
elsif ($agent =~ /KHTML/) {
$browser = 'Konqueror';
elsif ($agent =~ /Wappalyzer/) {
$browser .= ' + Wappalyzer';
else {
$browser = "Other browser";

# Set name of agent if long to "Name..."
if (length($agent) > 11) {
my $length_of_word = index ($agent, ' ') - 1;
my $shortened_agent = substr( $agent, 0, $length_of_word )...';
$agent = $shortened_agent;

# Get previous page
my $previous_page = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} || '';
# If previous page is current page set to blank
if ($previous_page =~ /'index.html'/) { $previous_page = ''; }
if ($previous_page == $webpage) { $previous_page = ''; }
# Get location by IP-address
my $gi = Geo::IP->open("/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
my $rec_by_addr = $gi->record_by_addr($user_ip);
my $city = $rec_by_addr->city;
my $state = $rec_by_addr->region_name;
my $country = $rec_by_addr->country_name;

my $user_ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} || '';
# ignore visits from home router
if ($user_ip =~ /^24\.147\.133\./) { # home
my $agent = '';
$agent = $ENV{"HTTP_USER_AGENT"} || '';
my $browser = '';
if ($agent =~ /Firefox/) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Firefox');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc,11);
substr($browser,7,1) = ' ';
elsif ($agent =~ /MSIE/) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'MSIE');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc+2,6);
elsif ($agent =~ /Opera/) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Opera');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc,10);
substr($browser,5,1) = ' ';
elsif ($agent =~ /Chrome/) {
my $loc = index($agent, 'Chrome');
$browser = substr($agent,$loc,17);
substr($browser,6,1) = ' ';
else {
$browser = "Other";
my $os = '';
if ($agent =~ /Windows NT 5.1/) {
$os = "Windows XP";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 6.0/) {
$os = "Windows Vista";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 5.0/) {
$os = "Windows 2000";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 4.0/) {
$os = "Windows NT.";
elsif ($agent =~ /Windows NT 5.2/) {
$os = "Windows Server 2003";
elsif ($agent =~ /Win 9x 4.90/) {
$os = "Windows ME";
elsif (($agent =~ /Windows 98/) || ($agent =~ /Win98/)) {
$os = "Windows 98.";
elsif ($agent =~ /Linux/) {
$os = "Linux";
elsif ($agent =~ /Mac/i) {
$os = "MacOS";
else {
$os = "$agent";

# Log info
# Get location by IP-address
my $gi = Geo::IP->open("/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
my $rec_by_addr = $gi->record_by_addr($user_ip);
my $city = $rec_by_addr->city;
my $state = $rec_by_addr->region_name;
my $country = $rec_by_addr->country_name;

my $access_file = "web_access.txt";
open(ACCESS_FILE, ">>$access_file") || die "Can't open '$access_file'";
print ACCESS_FILE "$timeData :: $webpage :: $user_ip :: $city, $state, $country :: $os :: $browser :: $agent :: $previous_page\n";


# Format date and time
sub get_timedata {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$year = $year + 1900;
if ($min < 10) {$min = "0".$min;}
$timeData = "$mon/$mday/$year - $hour:$min";