#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# playsongs.pl - this lists the contents of a folder of songs as clickable links
# written by Eric Pence
use strict;
use CGI qw(-oldstyle_urls :standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use IO::File;
use Data::Dumper;
# Define global variables
use vars qw($curr_dir $log_file);
# Grab the current directory from $0. The following regular expression
# looks for 'CURR_DIR\xxxxx.xxx' or 'CURR_DIR/xxxxx.xxx'. Place it in
# the BEGIN block so we can use it to include modules
$0 =~ '(.*[\\\/])\w+\.\w+$';
$curr_dir = $1 || "./";
# Set up error log file
$log_file = "error_log.txt";
use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
open(LOG, ">>${curr_dir}${log_file}")
or die "Unable to append to error log: $!";
use lib ( $curr_dir );
use FileHandle;
$| = 1; # Disable buffering
my $count = 0;
my $files = '';
# Get the list of the songs to display
my @dir_contents = '';
my $ipod_dir = $curr_dir."../../ipod";
opendir(DIR,$ipod_dir) || die("Cannot open directory $ipod_dir!\n");
@dir_contents = sort readdir(DIR);
# Format the songs as clickable links
foreach my $filename (@dir_contents) {
if (lc($filename) =~ /\.mp3/) {
# Create name without file extension
my $shortname = $filename;
$shortname =~ s/\.mp3//;
$shortname =~ s/\.MP3//;
my $m3u_file = "../../ipod/$shortname"."\.m3u";
if (!(-e $m3u_file)) {
# Create M3U file for streaming if it doesn't exist
open( M3U_FILE, ">$m3u_file" ) || die "Can't open m3u file: '$m3u_file'";
my $no_space_name = replace_spaces($filename);
print M3U_FILE "http://www.penceland.com/ipod/$no_space_name";
close M3U_FILE;
my $display_name = $shortname;
# Replace certain characters with entities on display
$display_name =~ s/&/&/g;
$display_name =~ s/\//⁄/g;
# Get the file size
my $audio_file = "../../ipod/$filename";
my @stats = stat($audio_file);
my $filesize = int($stats[7]/1000).'kb';
$m3u_file = replace_spaces($m3u_file);
$audio_file = replace_spaces($audio_file);
$files = "$files
<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"../../images/wbullet.gif\" title=\"o\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">
<span title=\"$display_name\"><a href=\"$m3u_file\">$display_name</a> \/ <a href=\"$audio_file\">mp3</a></span> <font color=\"#555555\">($filesize)</font>
<br><img src=\"../../images/clearspacer.gif\" height=\"4\"><br>";
print header();
print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">
<link href=\"../../penceland.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">
<body background=\"../../images/myback.gif\">
<td width=\"30\"> </td>
<td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"../../images/dot.gif\" width=\"4\" height=\"10\" title=\"o\" hspace=\"2\"></td>
<td valign=\"top\" nowrap><a href=\"JavaScript:void(0)\"><font color=\"#333399\">Song Title</font></a></td>
<td valign=\"top\" width=\"10\" align=\"center\">–</td>
<td valign=\"top\">
Click on the song title to <span title=\"Stream an audio file\"><a href=\"../../music.html#streamaudio\" class=\"green\">stream</a></span> the song (play it as it downloads).
<td width=\"10\"> </td>
<td width=\"30\"> </td>
<td valign=\"top\"><img src=\"../../images/dot.gif\" width=\"4\" height=\"10\" title=\"o\" hspace=\"2\"></td>
<td valign=\"top\"><a href=\"JavaScript:void(0)\"><font color=\"#333399\">mp3</font></a></td>
<td valign=\"top\" width=\"10\" align=\"center\">–</td>
<td valign=\"top\">
This is a direct link to the audio file (size is shown).
To copy a file <i>right</i> click on this link and choose <i>Save Link/Target As...</i>.
<td width=\"10\"> </td>
<img src=\"../../images/clearspacer.gif\" height=\"8\"><br>
<img src=\"../../images/clearspacer.gif\" height=\"8\"><br>
$count songs
# Format access data
my $remote_addr = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} || '';
# Filter out my computers
if (($remote_addr !~ /^38\.97\.67\./) && ($remote_addr !~ /^24\.147\.129\./)) {
my $access_file = "access_log.txt";
open(ACCESS_FILE, ">>$access_file") || die "Can't open '$access_file'";
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$year = $year + 1900;
if ($min < 10) {$min = "0".$min;}
my $timeData = "$mon/$mday/$year - $hour:$min";
print ACCESS_FILE "playsongs.pl: $timeData - $remote_addr\n";
# replace_spaces() - replaces spaces with %20 for URI compliance
sub replace_spaces {
my ($str) = @_;
$str =~ s/\s/%20/g;
return $str;