#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# listsongs.pl - this creates a list of song titles in a file
# written by Eric Pence
use strict;
use CGI qw(-oldstyle_urls :standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use FileHandle;
# Set up error log file
my $log_file = "error_log.txt";
use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
open(LOG, ">>$log_file") or die "Unable to append to error log: $!";
# Get directory contents
my $workdir = 'c:/ipod';
my @dir_contents = ();
opendir(DIR,$workdir) || die("Cannot open directory !\n");
@dir_contents = sort readdir(DIR);
my $list_file = "c:\\web\\penceland\\cgi-bin\\ipod\\ipod_songs.txt";
# Create output file
open( LIST_FILE, ">$list_file" ) || die "Can't open '$list_file'";
# Update file with MP3 names
foreach my $filename (@dir_contents) {
if ((lc($filename) =~ /\.mp3$/) || (lc($filename) =~ /\.m4a$/)) {
# Remove .mp3 extension from name
$filename =~ s/\.mp3//;
$filename =~ s/\.MP3//;
$filename =~ s/\.m4a//; # m4a format added from iStore
$filename =~ s/\.M4A//;
print LIST_FILE $filename."\n";
close LIST_FILE;
print "\n\n ipod_songs.txt updated!\n\n";